Where We’ve Been And Where We’re Going

Image of cancer awareness ribbons, the word hope, and the title of the post Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going.

So, where all has this crazy cancer journey taken us so far?


We began with Phil’s cancer journey The Day Cancer Turned Royal Blue. Phil was diagnosed with colon cancer which later metastasized to his lung and elsewhere. His story of determination and selflessness was inspirational.

This was also my personal introduction to cancer, and the first time to lose someone so close to me.

 The next cancer journey

The next cancer journey was Peggy’s battle against breast cancer in The Day Cancer Turned Pink. It seemed that Peggy had beat cancer, only to have it return with a vengeance. Just as Phil had faced cancer with faith and hope, so did Peggy.

Next was my own breast cancer journey

Next was my own breast cancer journey. The Day I Met Cancer in the Mirror I was truly relieved, believe it or not. Relief is not usually the first emotion one feels when diagnosed with cancer, but I had a good reason to feel relieved.

I thought I was ready

I had plans to take my dear friend on a girls’ getaway to be pampered for a day at a spa when I completed my cancer treatments. Only that was The Day Cancer Turned Pink…Again. I had already been through cancer a few times by now. Both of my parents and I had had cancer, so I thought I was ready to face it again with my friend. Boy was I wrong.

Who is MAB?

You met both my mother and my friend when you read Who is MAB? From this article, it was easy to see why these two lovely women were the inspiration for this blog.

We listened as our guest blogger Kristina Ramirez Jordan told us about An Unwanted Journey. From the time she was quite young, she has had people come and go in her life who had cancer.

Along the way we have been discovering What is a Cancer Journey?

To find out if I truly had cancer, I asked Is There a Cancer Test? We found out that there is not just one test for cancer but many.

From there we discussed Cancer Imaging Tests, and then you asked What Can You Tell Me About Biopsies? So, I explained biopsies a little bit and then gave you resources where you can learn more about biopsies.

For our heroes, our supporters, we offered them advice on What to Say to Someone Who Has Cancer and Three Practical Ways to Offer Your Sincere Support.

A cancer journey can be a long, hard process, so we learned to Ask for Help These Three Ways.


So now, where do we go from here?


Today you found out you for sure have cancer. So, end of the story?

No, not hardly.

You may want to reread Tell Folks You Have Cancer These Three Ways though. As you recall, in that article we discussed some direct, indirect, and observed ways to announce your cancer diagnosis. Or not even tell anyone you have cancer if that is your choice.

So, what can you expect now that you know you have cancer?

Your doctor may still want to do a bit more testing such as cancer genetic testing and cancer staging.

Treatment options

From there you will discuss your treatment options with your cancer team. Some options may include chemotherapy, surgery, and/or radiation. Each of these treatment phases has its challenges to navigate and we will dive into those more in future articles.

While it is you who is going through cancer, I will give your advocates advice on How to Support Someone Who Has Cancer.

You can expect to have some body image changes from cancer treatments. I will give you some ways to stay motivated while you are going through these changes.

How/when can you expect to go into remission or a complete cure? Is there anything you can do to keep the monster away? (Anastrozole, lifestyle change). These are some heavy questions we will explore together.

It doesn’t really go away

After cancer goes away, it doesn’t really go away. At that point, you may realize I Don’t Have Cancer, But Cancer Still Has Me.

While going through cancer treatments, you will have good days and bad. One day your energy level is up, the next day, or for many days, your energy level will be down. I will give you some tips to help you get through low energy times.

Our supporters, our heroes

As we continue along on this cancer journey together, we will remember to offer our supporters, our heroes, information and encouragement as well. We will hear stories from other supporters and what they did to assist their loved ones while they were going through cancer.

You may need to take some time off work while you go through cancer treatments. We will discuss some things to keep in mind before you go on leave.

A cancer journey is filled with emotions

A cancer journey is filled with emotions. We will talk about the emotions of cancer.

Sometimes the best place to receive cancer treatments is not in your hometown. We will discuss some considerations to keep in mind if you must travel for cancer care treatment.

What if you have children? What are some things to keep in mind regarding the effects of your cancer diagnosis and treatments on them?

Is your cancer genetic-based? Will your children be affected by this cancer in their lifetime?

The caregiver works outside the home

If your caregiver works outside the home, it will be difficult for them to work and still care for you, your children, and any elders in the household, as well as themselves. Our supporters are so important to us, so we will give them advice on how to manage this added load but remain strong at the same time.

As you can tell, there is yet so much for us to still discuss regarding cancer and cancer treatments. Please check back frequently for more information and encouragement as you continue on your cancer journey.

Take a moment and mentally rest

But right now, I invite you to take a moment and mentally rest.

Do you have a favorite TV program? Give yourself grace and become absorbed in the program for a bit. Try to count how many times a character says a certain word for example.

Or do you have a photo album you like to look through and reminisce about? Gather your heroes, your supporters, around you if you can, and walk down memory lane together.

When you are ready, come back to this website and see what more I can offer you in the way of information and encouragement for your cancer journey.

Comment below about your cancer journey. Where it has taken you, and where you are going.

Wishing you all the best,


 Are your cancer screenings up to date?

Yes, I am a nurse. No, I am not your nurse. The medical topics discussed in this, or any article on this site, are intended to be issues for you to discuss with your medical team if you feel they apply to you. None of the information you are about to read in this article is treatment advice for you from me. I do not have that authority.

Crazy Cancer Thoughts


An Unwanted Journey