Here you will find useful articles filled with practical information and encouragement for your cancer journey.

Healing: A Journey Towards Wellness
Support Kelly Fisher Support Kelly Fisher

Healing: A Journey Towards Wellness

I wish I could give you the secret to how to heal quickly. Unfortunately, the process of healing is not a quick fix, but rather a staged process with an undefined timeline. The stages of healing are not like chapters in a book where once you finish it, it is over. Oftentimes the stages overlap and some stages you go through more quickly than others.

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Finding Your Inner Strength: Where Healing Begins
Cancer Journey, Support Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support Kelly Fisher

Finding Your Inner Strength: Where Healing Begins

Healing is an ongoing process. Sometimes it’s finite, such as when a broken bone heals. Once the bone heals there is nothing more to do.

Sometimes healing takes longer, like when going through cancer.

And other times the healing process seems to go on forever.

If you are going through pain and suffering, remember that you may have many areas that need healing, as well as more than one person in most cases. Here are some ways to start the healing process:

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How Volunteering Helps You Heal
Cancer Journey, Support Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support Kelly Fisher

How Volunteering Helps You Heal

The challenges of life are real, and these struggles have a way of beating us down. And when you feel beaten it is difficult to get back up. Whether your struggle has been due to a long illness such as cancer, a trauma, or some other challenging life event, you may find yourself stuck and unsure how to move forward. Your present circumstance may have you feeling emotionally raw, confused, isolated. You want to move forward, but you feel so drained and broken. Let me show you how volunteering helps you heal.

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How to Use Journaling as a Healing Tool
Support Kelly Fisher Support Kelly Fisher

How to Use Journaling as a Healing Tool

So, are you telling me that journaling will heal me?

Oh, I wish that’s all it takes, but no, journaling will not heal you.

So, then why should I bother journaling? I already feel awful, and I don’t want to go back through my high school English class just to learn how to journal. And if journaling won’t cure me then why even bother?

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Learn How to Track Your Symptoms: A Step-by-Step Guide
Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher

Learn How to Track Your Symptoms: A Step-by-Step Guide

Going through illness is exhausting. Difficult. Scary. Whether it’s a seemingly minor ailment or a more serious illness such as cancer, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. You can’t wait to improve, but day after day you wonder if you are even making progress. If only there was some way to see if you are improving or not. Well, the good news is that you can monitor your progress using this easy step-by-step guide to track your symptoms.

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How to Deal with Your Fear of Discharge from Medical Care

How to Deal with Your Fear of Discharge from Medical Care

You have been discharged because you no longer need medical care.

You feel abandoned.

Set adrift.


Feeling this way is understandable. But the good news is that you don’t have to feel this way. Read this article to find seven ways to help you deal with your fear of being discharged from medical care.

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Unseen Challenges of Cancer Care
Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher

Unseen Challenges of Cancer Care

Going through cancer care is hard. There are many challenges facing cancer patients, and most of their challenges are unseen.

In this article, I will present just a few of the unseen challenges of cancer care. I say just a few because there are so many challenges, and challenges are different for each cancer patient.

I have divided the challenges into six categories that are in no particular order.

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Yesterday I Was Your Child

Yesterday I Was Your Child

Yesterday I was your child. Today I am your caregiver. How did I get here?

I know how you are feeling right now. I’ve been there…twice. Becoming a caregiver for your parent who has cancer can be quite bewildering.

What happened to cause you to become your parent’s caregiver?

Allow me to anticipate some of the challenges you are facing as you become a caregiver to your parent.

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