Healing: A Journey Towards Wellness


You’re broken, wounded, hurt, sick. You wish you could just snap your fingers and be whole again, but of course, you realize that is not going to happen. The wounds or illness you are dealing with is exhausting and frustrating. You wonder what it takes to be healed.

I wish I could give you the secret to how to heal quickly. Unfortunately, the process of healing is not a quick fix, but rather a staged process with an undefined timeline. The stages of healing are not like chapters in a book where once you finish it, it is over. Oftentimes the stages overlap and you go through some more quickly than others.

Continue reading and you will learn the stages of healing and how to heal.

But first, what is healing?

In nursing school, we were taught that healing is to achieve a high level of wellness.

Healing refers to the process of restoring physical, mental, or emotional well-being by addressing underlying causes of illness or injury and promoting recovery.

Healing can also refer to the act of alleviating pain, discomfort, or suffering, often through medical treatment, therapy, or spiritual practices.

And, healing also refers to the process of repairing damaged relationships, promoting forgiveness and reconciliation, and fostering mutual understanding and respect.

What causes the need for healing?

For your healing to take place, unfortunately, something first must be broken. Let’s look at some of the most common causes of these breakdowns and the reasons why they occur.

Healing is a process that occurs in the body or mind to repair itself from some form of damage or disruption. In other words, healing is your body trying to get back to “normal”. There are many causes which can range from physical injuries to emotional trauma.

Physical injury is one of the first things that come to mind when you think of reasons that someone needs to heal. Injury can be caused by accidents, sports, or even just everyday activities like lifting a heavy object. When you are injured, your body sends signals to your brain that something is wrong. These signals trigger a series of events that begin the healing process.

Illness and disease are some other reasons you may need to heal. This can include everything from the common cold to more serious conditions like cancer. Not only the disease itself but also, treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, can cause side effects that also require healing.

Emotional trauma is often overlooked as a reason why someone needs to heal. Emotional trauma can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as the loss of a loved one, a divorce, or a traumatic event such as a natural disaster or a car accident. This trauma can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health which may cause symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), all of which require healing.

Lastly, chronic stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and environmental factors like exposure to toxins or pollutants are reasons that someone needs to heal. All these things can take a toll on your body and mind over time and can lead to a breakdown in health.

So why do these problems occur in the first place?

Things that cause the need for healing include genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. An example of a genetic health problem is women who carry a certain gene that makes them more prone to getting breast cancer. Poor lifestyle choices that lead to health problems include smoking, eating too much junk food, and using illegal drugs. Some environmental conditions that cause health problems are exposed to pollutants or toxins. Even some emotional problems like chronic stress can weaken the immune system and make someone more susceptible to illness and disease.

Stages of healing

Healing is a holistic process that encompasses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person.

Healing is defined as the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. The most important thing to take away from this definition is that healing is a process. Healing does not happen instantly, instead, healing occurs in stages.

Let’s look at six different stages of healing.  


Stage 1: Acknowledgment   

 The first stage of healing is acknowledging that you even have a problem. It may be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. Being honest with yourself and willing to confront your problem is important for your healing.

Stage 2: Acceptance

 Once you acknowledge that you have a problem, the next stage is acceptance. This means accepting the reality of your situation and recognizing that you may need to make some changes. Acceptance is essential for moving forward in the healing journey.

 Stage 3: Exploration

 The exploration stage is where you focus on gaining a deeper understanding of your issue and identifying possible solutions. You may need to seek information from medical professionals, therapists, or other resources. You may also need to explore your own beliefs, values, and spirituality. This stage is about gathering knowledge and resources to aid you in the healing process.

 Stage 4: Action

The action stage is where the healing process begins. In this stage, you may begin a physical treatment plan, such as taking medication or doing physical therapy. You may also start emotional or spiritual practices, such as meditating or praying. This stage requires commitment and dedication to the healing process, as well as patience and perseverance.

 Stage 5: Integration

The integration stage is where you incorporate all the healing lessons you have learned so far into your daily life. This includes establishing new habits or routines, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or changing your perspective and outlook on life. This stage is about ensuring that the progress you make in the healing process is sustainable and long-lasting.

 Stage 6: Transformation

The final stage of healing is transformation. Through your healing journey, you have now found a new sense of purpose. This stage marks the completion of your healing journey and the beginning of a new chapter in your life.

 How to Heal

When it comes to healing, many people focus solely on their physical health. However, true healing requires a holistic approach that involves not only your physical body but also your mind and spirit.

Identify the cause of your problems.

The first step towards healing is to identify the cause of your problems. It could be a past trauma, a toxic relationship, or an unhealthy habit. Once you have identified the root cause, you can take steps toward addressing it.

Practice self-compassion.

Healing requires self-compassion. It's important to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that healing is a journey that takes time. You may make mistakes, experience setbacks, or face challenges along the way, and that’s normal.  It's important to be gentle with yourself so you can keep moving forward.

 Develop a positive mindset.

Your mind is a very powerful tool. Having a positive mindset is very important to help you heal. If you are struggling with identifying anything positive in your life, begin by writing down what you are grateful for. You don’t have to wait for a huge event like winning the lottery to be grateful, though I’m sure that would help. Start with thinking about someone who makes you happy and write down why they make you happy. If that person has passed away, then write about happy memories of your loved one.

 Embrace change.

We don’t like to change because change is hard. But in order for you to heal, it's important for you to be open to change and even if you can’t embrace it. You can begin by setting new goals. Start with something that is easy to achieve to give yourself a boost of confidence. Once you have accomplished your small goal you can then try some new things which may take you out of your comfort zone.

 Build a support system.

Why do you need a support system? Because a support system can provide you with the encouragement, motivation, and guidance you need to heal. You can build a support system by joining a support group, talking to a therapist or counselor, or reaching out to friends and family. Surround yourself with people who are positive, supportive, and understanding.

 Practice self-reflection.

Another tool to use in your healing efforts is self-reflection. Self-reflection is where you review your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to see where you can improve. You can do this by journaling, meditating, or talking with a professional therapist.


Exercise is so important to healing. In nursing school, we learned that it takes three days to recover for each day you are laid up. Start with some very light exercises like walking around the room, doing some stretching, or doing whatever activity you want to do. Remember, you’re not trying to engage in a vigorous workout at this point, just do something to keep you moving. As you heal and gain more strength then you can begin doing more vigorous exercises.


What you eat is very important to your healing. Your body burns more calories than you may realize when you are healing, so it is vital that you eat high-quality foods like protein, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats. If you are having difficulty eating, try fixing some healthy smoothies that you can sip on throughout the day.


Getting quality sleep is very important for healing, but it can also be elusive. Just when you really need to sleep you find that you can’t. Still, it’s important that you try. Here are a few things to try if you find yourself lying in bed watching the minutes tick away:

Do a “brain dump” before you lie down to sleep. Write down any task you didn’t get done today. Also, write out whatever you need to do tomorrow. And finally, write down any thoughts that tend to keep you awake. By writing things down, your brain thinks that you have already done them which then allows your brain to shut down better.

Massage and Bodywork

Oh, how good a massage sounds right now. I love how relaxing a massage is. You can just feel the tingling of circulation coursing through your veins, as well as the release of muscle tension. The improved circulation helps your body release harmful toxins. If massage is not your thing, some other healing methods you can try are acupuncture, acupressure, and aromatherapy.


Healing is hard. But with the help of your medical care team and your supporters, as well as self-compassion on your part, you can go through the process of healing with the hopes of being whole again.


Healing refers to the process of restoring physical, mental, or emotional well-being by addressing underlying causes of illness or injury and promoting recovery.

For your healing to take place, unfortunately, something first must be broken.

Things that cause the need for healing include genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors.

The six stages of healing include:

Stage 1: Acknowledgment

Stage 2: Acceptance

Stage 3: Exploration

Stage 4: Action

Stage 5: Integration

Stage 6: Transformation


Steps to healing involve:


Identify the cause of your problems.                          

Practice self-compassion.

Develop a positive mindset.

Embrace change.

Build a support system.

Practice self-reflection.




Massage and Bodywork



Healing is hard, and you may not be able to accomplish it on your own. But with the help of your medical care team and your supporters, as well as self-compassion on your part, you can go through the process of healing with the hopes of being whole again.

Wishing you all the best,


 Are your cancer screenings up to date?

Yes, I am a nurse. No, I am not your nurse. The medical topics discussed in this, or any article on this site, are intended to be issues for you to discuss with your medical team if you feel they apply to you. None of the information you are about to read in this article is treatment advice for you from me. I do not have that authority.

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