Here you will find useful articles filled with practical information and encouragement for your cancer journey.

How to Deal with Your Fear of Discharge from Medical Care

How to Deal with Your Fear of Discharge from Medical Care

You have been discharged because you no longer need medical care.

You feel abandoned.

Set adrift.


Feeling this way is understandable. But the good news is that you don’t have to feel this way. Read this article to find seven ways to help you deal with your fear of being discharged from medical care.

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Unseen Challenges of Cancer Care
Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher

Unseen Challenges of Cancer Care

Going through cancer care is hard. There are many challenges facing cancer patients, and most of their challenges are unseen.

In this article, I will present just a few of the unseen challenges of cancer care. I say just a few because there are so many challenges, and challenges are different for each cancer patient.

I have divided the challenges into six categories that are in no particular order.

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Yesterday I Was Your Child

Yesterday I Was Your Child

Yesterday I was your child. Today I am your caregiver. How did I get here?

I know how you are feeling right now. I’ve been there…twice. Becoming a caregiver for your parent who has cancer can be quite bewildering.

What happened to cause you to become your parent’s caregiver?

Allow me to anticipate some of the challenges you are facing as you become a caregiver to your parent.

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Distractions From Cancer Treatments
Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher

Distractions From Cancer Treatments

Going through cancer can be exhausting. Not just physically but mentally too. To rest physically you can get into comfortable clothes, sit in your favorite chair, and… rest.

But how do you rest mentally? Invasive thoughts can prevent you from concentrating or getting the rest you need.

So, what are some distractions from cancer treatments you can engage in to help you rest mentally? Read on for tips on engaging in distractions from cancer treatments.

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Radiation Therapy Questions Answered
Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher

Radiation Therapy Questions Answered

Cancer. Not something you want to have, but you do. You have so many questions in general about cancer, and now you have been told you need to have radiation therapy. That brings so many more questions to your mind.

This article will look at some questions regarding radiation therapy and help you find answers about this treatment.

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Prepping for Pre-op and Post-op
Cancer Journey, Support Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support Kelly Fisher

Prepping for Pre-op and Post-op

Your cancer specialist has determined that surgery is the next step in your cancer journey. Depending on your type of cancer, it may be a simple and minor surgery, a complex and major surgery, or something in between. This article will discuss some things to do to prepare for your upcoming surgery.

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8 Things to Expect on Your First Day of Chemotherapy
Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey, Support, Cancer Information Kelly Fisher

8 Things to Expect on Your First Day of Chemotherapy

Throughout this series, we have talked about things leading up to this day, your first day of chemotherapy. But now the big day is here. Are you nervous? I know I was. I didn’t know what to expect, how I would feel, or even when I would start noticing any side effects of the chemo medicine.

That’s why I wrote this article for you. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will be better prepared than I was for your first day of chemotherapy.

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