Here you will find useful articles filled with practical information and encouragement for your cancer journey.

An Unwanted Journey
Cancer Journey Kristina Ramirez Jordan Cancer Journey Kristina Ramirez Jordan

An Unwanted Journey

You don’t have to have cancer to go on an unwanted cancer journey. Though it is a different kind of journey than someone who has cancer, it is a cancer journey just the same. This article tells of one person’s multiple experiences with cancer.

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Who is MAB?
Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher

Who is MAB?

“Help me, Kelly,” my mother cried out in pain. “You know what to do.”

“I know I have breast cancer,” I said to the radiologist as she entered the room with a look of doom on her face.

“I already know I have breast cancer. The biopsy is just to find out which kind of cancer it is.”

My heart stopped. Not again!

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The Day Cancer Turned Pink…Again
Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher

The Day Cancer Turned Pink…Again

My dad had had colon cancer. My mom had had breast cancer. My grandmother-in-law had had bone cancer. And I had breast cancer.

I was just finishing the final phase of my cancer treatments and thought, at last, I could put cancer behind me.

Until that day. Until the day cancer turned pink…again.

My heart stopped. Not again!

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The Day Cancer Turned Royal Blue
Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher

The Day Cancer Turned Royal Blue

Besides being my dad, Phil was a giant in my eyes. When I was young and we would go into stores together, my dad always had me hold onto his index finger so I would not wander off and get lost. I didn’t hold onto his whole hand because his hand was so large that my hand would only fit around his finger. Even as I grew older, my dad loomed large in my eyes…

He looked strange to me when he lost his hair this time. Not because he was bald, but because he looked vulnerable to me for the first time in my life. My giant of a father was shrinking into a sickly-looking man.

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Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher


We went to a wig shop to buy a wig when she lost all her hair from the chemo. I had fun having her try on some outrageous wigs making her think I thought she should get one of those. She caught on to my orneriness. In the end, she got one that closely matched her usual hairstyle.

After months of treatments, she was declared cancer-free. What a relief!

Or was she?

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The Day I Met Cancer in the Mirror
Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher Cancer Journey Kelly Fisher

The Day I Met Cancer in the Mirror

The radiologist came into my room with a look of dread on her face after the tests were completed. She introduced herself, but she didn’t have to tell me the diagnosis — I already knew it.

I said to her, “I already know I have breast cancer.”

The look on her face changed to relief mixed with confusion. “How do you know you have breast cancer?”

“I’ve been waiting to be told I have cancer ever since my mom died of breast cancer,” I said.

An overwhelming sense of relief came over me.

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