Welcome to Remembering MAB

Helping you along your cancer journey

Turning the chaos of cancer care into clarity for patients and their loved ones.


Here to help you go through cancer,

not just get through cancer.

The word "Hope" written on an awareness ribbon.

This is a unique website written for you, the newly diagnosed cancer patient, and your loved ones. Here you will find encouragement and practical advice written by a (former) breast cancer patient to help you turn confusion into clarity along your cancer journey.

The word "Information" written on an awareness ribbon.


I not only write informative articles, but I also take you by the hand and show you how to put the information into use.

The word "Encouragement" written on an awareness ribbon.


You will find encouragement infused throughout the blog posts because cancer treatments can be exhausting for both the patient and their loved ones.

The word support written on an awareness ribbon.


I give you resources to help you find the support you will need along your cancer journey.

Photo of pink flowers with the words "For You" printed on it next to the offer to sign up to get "Motivation to Get You Through" free downloadable printable.





Photo of Kelly, the author of this blog and website.

Hi, I’m Kelly!

I’m a breast cancer survivor and your personal cheerleader. Just hearing the word cancer can make your head swim and your heart race.

Because I’ve been where you are, I want to give you the advice I wish I had had when I was diagnosed with cancer to help you navigate your cancer journey with less confusion about cancer care.


I’d love to guide you through the journey of cancer care with information and resources.